This article is about the TV character. You may be looking for the book character. |
- “We have had such a wonderful marriage, your father and I. We chose each other. But nothing in life is ever as simple as we want it to be. So one day, when he's ready, tell your father to give Daisy Jones a call. And tell Daisy Jones to answer. At the very least, those two still owe me a song.”
- ―Camila to Julia[src]
Camila Alvarez is a character in the Daisy Jones & The Six television series adaptation. She was the wife of lead singer Billy Dunne.
Camila is a young woman with long, straight brown hair, a tall and slim build, with almond-shaped brown eyes. She has plump lips and thick brows. In the early seventies, she wore patterned shirts with long skirts, having a wholesome middle-class appearance to her clothing. When time passed, she began to wear flowy clothing with small prints and sometimes a low-cut shirt. She had a simplistic, elegant, yet relaxed sense of style. She primarily wore a silver bangle on her left wrist. After marrying Billy, she wore a wedding ring that he gave her on her left ring finger. She wore minimal makeup, but when she did do her makeup, it accentuated her natural features and beauty. Camila also wore more dresses after giving birth to her daughter.
Character overview[]
"The wife of lead singer Billy Dunne and the band’s center of gravity. She follows the love of her life in his pursuit of rock stardom only to discover her own potential along the way."[1]
Plot summary[]
Camila Alvarez, a photographer, takes part in a documentary about the rise and fall of famous rock band, Daisy Jones & The Six. When asked if she knew who Billy Dunne was when they met, she laughs because of course she knew who he was. Every girl in Hazelwood knew Billy Dunne. And not because he was in some band.

In Pittsburgh, 1971, Billy is doing laundry when he notices a girl across the room who occasionally glances at him. They make eye contact and she walks over. She starts to ask him a question and he assumes she knows who he is, and introduces himself as Billy Dunne, offering a handshake. She was just going to ask if he was using the basket near him. He's not and passes it over to her. He asks if she doesn't know who he is, and she wonders if she should. He's in a band, a statement she thinks is cool. He mutters to himself then clarifies that some people know him and he saw her looking over. He smiles awkwardly then tells her never mind.
She asks what a rockstar like him is doing in the local fluff and fold. His mom's washer-dryer broke. She thinks it's sweet of him to help his mom out; he must be a good son. He admits it's his washer-dryer too. She teases him that he still lives with his mother, making him laugh. He asks if he can turn this around but there's not much. He asks for her number and he'll write her a song. She asks if that line ever works. He asks if it has since it's the first time he's using it.
Eddie Roundtree reflects on them meeting and his own history with Camila. Eddie knew Camila from the neighborhood. They used to walk to Sunday school together when they were kids. No one could help but fall in love with her, even then. Then she met Billy.
For the next year, Camila takes pictures and videos of the band as they practice. Billy tells the band to go again. One night, Billy goes to Camila's house with a bouquet of flowers. She hopes he brought the tie she picked out, and he has it in his pocket. She helps him put it on, teasing that he's a mess, and he kisses her. Once inside having dinner with Camila's family, Billy compliments Mr. Alvarez on his home, earning a sigh. Mrs. Alvarez brings up that Billy works in the steel mine, which he assures her is just temporary. He's a musician, in a band called the Dunne Brothers. They're working hard at it and playing gigs every night. It doesn't exactly pay the bills, but Camila is sure it will.

The band and Camila arrive at a gig for The Winters. Camila clings to Eddie's arm happily then hugs Billy, kissing him, and remarking that it's unbelievable. She finds them again after the gig, when they're outside celebrating something. She walks over and asks what they're talking about. The band wants to go to LA to pursue their music career and give it a real shot.
Billy and Camila sit on her front steps. He wants her to come with them, but she wonders what she'll do. She can't just follow him around. She has a job and is going to school. She can't just fall for some boy across the country. He takes offense to her calling him “some boy” as he's not “some boy”. She asks what this is then and he tries to hold her but she pulls away, heading back up the steps. He asks if that's it then if it's over. She turns to face him as he still owes her that song. She goes inside while he cries on the steps. She wipes away her tears and her mom comforts her. She professes he's moving away and her mom holds her. Mrs. Alvarez thinks this is a blessing, and Camila admits he asked her to come with him to California. Mrs. Alvarez tells her she can't as her family is here and nothing is more important than that. She can never turn her back on her family. Camila simply responds “you did”.
Billy tells the interviewer that it's not enough to meet the right person, you have to meet them at the right time as well.
It's pouring down rain as the Dunne Brothers prepare to leave for California. Eddie secures the luggage on the roof when Camila walks up holding an umbrella and a cooler. She asks if there's room for one more and Warren cheers over her presence. She gets into the back of the van and Billy asks if she's sure about this, about coming. She nods and he kisses her. On the road, Graham brings up how the keyboardist Karen brought something to the mix, and Camila agrees with him. As the band drives, they laugh, sing, and smoke cigarettes all the way down to Los Angeles. Camila takes photos of the Strip as they pass through.[2]
After arriving in LA, the group heads to Rod Reyes's mansion in the hills.Billy introduces himself and the band, reminding Rod that he said he could call. Rod looks them over. They didn't call, they're just here. Billy asks for ten minutes of his time. They sit outside by the pool and list the things they need. They need a place to stay, money since they rallied all their savings but don't have much left, and Teddy Price. Rod asks if they're fucking idiots. If they really think they can just show up in LA and be handed a key to the city and sit down with Teddy Price. Rod's a tour manager, not a band manager, so unless they're planning a world tour he's not their guy. Billy insists they aren't looking for a handout. Rod tries to recall their sound and their set was kind of tight. He'll make one call over to his guy at Filthy's, a bar on the Strip. Everyone is grateful and thanks him profusely. They start to leave when Graham asks for one more favor.
They head to a diner and use the payphone to call Karen, though Graham's bumbling goes on too long. Billy takes the phone and asks her to be in the band. She yells at her bandmates that a pan is burning in the kitchen. She apologizes for the minor kitchen emergency. He was just saying that the Dunne Brothers would like her to join their band. She questions if it's in Pittsburgh, but they're actually in LA now. They have a couple gigs lined up on the Strip and are renting a house. Graham whispers to Billy to tell her it's in Laurel Canyon, prompting Camila and Warren to swat Graham away. Billy asks Karen if she wants to be in the best band in the world. She wants to speak to that girlfriend of hers. Camila gets on the phone and Karen tells her to be honest, if they're worth it. Camila wouldn't be there if they weren't. Karen looks over to The Winters who are passed on the couch.
Camila tells the interviewer that it takes two to make a home, and sometimes things are just that simple. So that first house wasn't perfect but they made it work. Didn't matter to them that it smelled like wet clothes or that an old woman died in it the week before. They got it cheap, they got it fast, and they got to live in Laurel Canyon.
Billy strums his guitar as Camila films him on her camcorder. He asks to see the recorder to have a look, pointing it at her. She giggles and covers herself with a blanket. He remarks that she can record him all she wants but he can't shoot just one second. She allows one second and lowers the blanket, smiling. He loves her and she crawls up to him, noses the camera, and then they kiss.
Karen enters the house to a messy kitchen with Warren, Eddie, and Graham sword fighting in the living room with pokers and dressed as makeshift pirates. She walks into her room and takes it all in. Camila greets her with a smile. None of the boys would touch the room so they gave it to her. Karen asks if it's haunted and it is - by horrendous, horrendous taste.

One night, The Dunne Brothers and Camila arrive at Filthy McNasty's for their first gig. As everyone walks in, Billy pauses at the door to take in Whisky a Go Go next door, which reflects in his sunglasses. The band does a huddle with Billy reminding them that the smaller the gig, the bigger they play. They put their hands in a circle and yell “Pittsburgh” on three. They take the stage as Camila records them performing Look Me In The Eye.
Camila calls a record producer to invite him down to McNasty's, but his receptionist blows her off and then hangs up. She continues to stuff envelopes with pictures and portfolios. The band performs "Flip The Switch" one night while Camila watches from the front row, mouthing along to the lyrics. Billy looks over at the unreserved booth for Teddy Price and takes a drink of his beer.

After the show, Camila counts out the money as the group sits at a booth in a diner. Eddie asks what happened to the parrot guy she talked to, but the parrot guy passed on them. He calls that bleak, and she suggests he keep half of that toast for the next day because what they have barely covers rent. Warren snuffs out his cigarette, wondering if old Chucky was right. Maybe this was all a big mistake and they should have just stayed at home with their moms, saved money on rent, and become a dentist. Camila has sent hundreds of photographs out but not a single paper has responded. She wonders if she should just quit, but no one ever said it would be easy. Billy pours liquor into his coffee mug and drinks it. While they're talking about stuff, Warren asks why he's the only one without a bed in the house. Billy reminds him that he could have taken Karen's room, but he couldn't because it's haunted. Camila and Graham mumble that it's not haunted. Eddie holds up the “pocket toast” that he's eating. Karen asks why they're still called the Dunne Brothers. Three of the members aren't Dunne's and she's no one's brother. Billy asks if she wants to change the name, and Eddie personally thinks that's a great idea. Billy glares at him and then refuses to change the name since that's what people know them. Eddie argues it's not doing them much good. Warren and Graham exchange terrible band name ideas like "Immaculate Reception" and "Hercules". Eddie offers up "Deliverance", "Espionage", and "Poison". All of which are met with overwhelming disapproval. Billy, with finality, believes the six of them will never agree on a name so they should just stop it. Karen perks up and asks about "The Six". Eddie disagrees as there are only five of them, but Karen nods to Camila as the sixth member. Eddie thinks people will get confused. Warren knows they can't be The Five because of bands like The Dave Clark Five, and the Jackson 5, everybody's the five. Graham kind of likes The Six, which Warren jabs is better than Hercules. Daisy walks past their booth and her manager Dave yells after her that she still has ten more minutes. She apologizes and tosses her apron on her way out. Billy turns to look at the noise and Camila wraps her arm around his, pulling his attention back to the table.
While out shopping, Billy and Graham have a chance encounter with Teddy Price. Billy convinces him to hear one song of theirs. Once home, Billy tries to figure out the perfect song to play for their audition. Camila suggests "Daybreak" but it's a Bowie rip-off and he doesn't think "Blind Alley" is good enough. He downs his drink and gets up to get more. She tells him no and holds out her hands, asking him to come here. He sits back down and she asks if there's anything he doesn't think is horrible. There's one he's been knocking around but it's not like the others. It's also not ready, but she cuts him off. He strums the guitar to sing “Silver Nail”. She knows it's the one when he's done singing it.
Teddy is blown away by the band and, after putting through the wringer for months, thinks it's time they cut an album. The Six start their recording sessions with Look Me In The Eye. Camila snaps photos of them performing as Teddy listens from the other side of the glass. She records some of the moments, focusing on each member. Billy sings while Warren is drumming, Eddie and Graham on guitars, and Karen on the keyboards. They recorded their album in six days, had two weeks off, and were schedule for their first tour.
Billy talks to Camila at their home while packing for the tour, hoping to have enough money to buy their own place when they get back. Maybe further up the hill, or on the beach. Camila tells Billy that she's pregnant and he stops to look at her. She's been wanting to tell him but there was never really a great time for this stuff. Between the rehearsals and the album, she tearfully says he's going on a tour now. He starts to talk but she cuts him off. She doesn't even know what he wants. They never once talked about this. She asks what the hell they're going to do and he smiles at her that he knows what they're going to do.
Camila tells the interviewer they got married that night. She holds up a picture of them from their wedding, with their heads cut off. This is the only photo of them from their wedding. Warren, from his houseboat, nods at the assumed mention of the photo and simply remarks that mescaline is a powerful drug.
Warren insists on taking a photo of the happy couple since she's always behind the lens. He snaps the photo. She talks to Eddie about it being a nice wedding. She thinks it's a nice wedding but hasn't been to many. He's really happy for her and she thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. She's quickly pulled away by a friend and he watches her go.
The interviewer asks each member of the group what they remember about the tour. Each band member's face falls slightly as they avert their eyes from the camera. Billy says it was a long time ago, letting his voice trails off. An emotional Camila remembers everything.
Camila, a few months pregnant, rushes to the phone to answer when Billy calls from Phoenix. Everyone's still asleep around him. The more they talk, the less he remembers calling the night before. She reassures him that he did call her and he apologizes for not knowing what's going on. She smiles that “we just miss you” and he questions her usage of “we”. She smiles that she means her and the baby. He goes quiet on the other end. After their record came out, she tries to call them but can't get a hold of anyone. This trend continues until Karen answers, admitting she doesn't know where Billy is but has to go, dodging her question of if everything is okay.
She decides to visit them at their motel, now heavily pregnant. She knocks on their hotel door but they don't answer. She walks into the parking lot, tearful when she sees Graham and Eddie walking back. They glance at the tour bus and she notices. Graham tries to stop her from opening the door but she pushes him off her. She pulls open the door and gasps at the sight of Billy making out with a girl while another is between his legs. After a moment, she turns back to the boys and questions if they've been covering for him this whole time. She shoves Eddie twice, telling him “fuck you” as she storms away. Billy stumbles out of the bus with his pants barely buttoned. He asks what the guys did, then stumbles after Cami.
He showers while Camila sits on the bed crying. He gets out and stands in the doorway for a moment. He takes a baggie out of his jacket and snorts the contents. Camila looks at him in disgust and jacks him against the wall, demanding to know what the fuck he thinks he's doing and what is wrong with him. She slaps him across the face while keeping one hand on his jacket. If he thinks she's going to let him ruin her life, their life, letting her voice trail off. She doesn't care what he does until this baby comes, but when it does he is going to show up for her. He looks away but she jerks him back to look at her. He's going to show up for her, this child, and he's going to keep showing up for the rest of his goddamn life. He nods slightly in understanding and she swats his face, telling him to clean himself up. She leaves the room shortly after while he leans against the wall.
A few months later, Camila goes into labor while The Six are performing a gig in San Diego. Teddy drives up to get Billy and tell the band of the news. He finds Billy heavily intoxicated and a mess onstage, but relays that Camila had the baby, a little girl. It's time for him to meet his daughter. They drive to Cedars Sinai Medical Center, but Billy can't go in and meet his daughter in that condition. He refuses to let his daughter see him like this. Teddy decides to take him to rehab instead. Meanwhile, Camila lies in the hospital bed alone and holding her newborn daughter. After a moment, she begins to cry.[3]
In 1974, Billy is released from rehab and returns home. Camila is on the bed with Julia while Lucia folds laundry. Billy comes in and they timidly greet each other. Julia starts to cry so Billy doesn't walk over right away. He stands over his daughter and smiles, apologizing for being late. Camila offers to let Billy hold her, but he doesn't want to make her mad. Lucia, in Spanish, offers to take her for a walk, but Camila insists they're fine - Julia just needs a nap. He offers to help with that or pick something up from the store but they're fine. She sets Julia in her crib and leans against it. Billy awkwardly approaches and rests his forehead on hers; he missed her. Her mom has been staying there to help with the nightly feedings so he should stay in one of the other rooms for the first few nights.
After a few days, Billy decides to leave the band so he can take care of his family. He wakes up in the morning with Camila by his side. He starts fixing things around the house and going for runs. Teddy drops by to see Billy and they sit outside. Billy correctly guesses they asked him to come to change his mind, but Teddy isn't going to. He thinks he's doing the right thing. He came because he missed him. Billy looks away - he knows he never said thank you for what he did. Teddy stops him. He's just glad that it seems to have taken because it doesn't always. It's never ever gonna get easier, which Billy knows.

Camila plays with Julia on the floor of their bedroom when Billy comes in. He thinks they should go home to Pittsburgh. They'd be closer to her parents, to his mom. He'll get a construction job as he likes building things, and she could get a job at the paper, taking pictures. She sits up and asks if he thinks she moved here for him. Because she didn't, she moved here with him. For them and the life they wanted. He's just trying to be practical because if they stay here, he doesn't know if he can handle it here anymore. She doesn't think that's the problem but he doesn't feel that she's listening to him, admitting that he's weak. She snaps at him to pick up his kid. When he doesn't, she asks what he's so afraid of. She was scared when she held Julia for the first time and he wasn't even there. She was so hurt when he left. But she stayed. She faced it and she didn't leave. She asks again what he's afraid of. He thinks he's afraid that she's going to love him and he's going to fuck it all up. She welcomes him to the club. He slowly gets off the bed and picks her up from the floor for the first time, holding her in his arms and offering her a rattle.
He holds her in a rocking chair outside, humming softly. He then stands up and vocalizes as he bounces her. During the day, Camila bounces Julia on her lap. He kisses Julia's feet on the couch and holds her as he plays with her, vocalizing softly. By night, Camila wakes Billy by holding his face, then leaning against him. She kisses him and they make out.
In the morning, Eddie sits outside with Camila and Julia. She tells him he doesn't have to stay out here, he can go back inside if he wants. He wants to stay as he loves hanging out with the little troublemaker. Camila smiles that she's the best and they play for a moment. Billy walks by and stops to look at the trio, and Camila smiles up at him, and he walks past. Eddie asks if things are just back to normal with them, just like that. He's sorry but he just doesn't know how she can do it. She asks if he's ever been in love and he looks at her, then looks away. She doesn't stop being in love with someone because things get hard. At least she doesn't.

Christmas, 1974. Camila rushes to get her camera and records Warren hanging stockings and Billy holding Julia while Graham and Karen entertain her with tinsel. Billy turns to the camera and has Julia wave to her mama. Camila records the evening as everyone laughs and has fun, hugging each other over gifts being exchanged. At the end of the night, Billy puts Julia to sleep and everyone cheers for him. He wants to play something for them if they're open to it. He understands if they're not and Eddie scoffs they're not, then asks the band if he's right. He doesn't think Billy can just walk back in as if nothing happened. He apologizes and leaves to check on Julia. Eddie calls the asshole back to play the damn song.
After a series of events, The Six are back in the studio to record Honeycomb with Daisy Jones. After a day of recording, Billy calls Camila to tell her about the session. She asks how it went. It was a nightmare - the whole thing was a total wash.[4]
There are 27 major changes from book to tv and this follows the tv account
Camila Alvarez appears in the following episodes:
Daisy Jones & The Six | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Episode appearances | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Characters in Daisy Jones & The Six |
- ↑ Deadline: ‘Mickey And The Bear’ Star Camila Morrone Joins Amazon Series ‘Daisy Jones & The Six’. Denise Petski. November 22, 2019.
- ↑ "Track 1: Come and Get It"
- ↑ "Track 2: I'll Take You There"
- ↑ "Track 3: Someone Saved My Life Tonight"