Track 2: I'll Take You There is the second episode of the Prime Video series Daisy Jones & The Six.
Official episode synopsis for Track 2: I'll Take You There from Prime Video:
Having found her voice, Daisy navigates the LA music scene–with the guidance of her close friend Simone and legendary producer Teddy Price. Now in LA and with keyboardist Karen Sirko, the Dunne Brothers band experience their own challenges trying to make it. After a chance encounter with Teddy offers hope, the band is heartbroken to find Billy's demons threatening to overpower his potential.
Plot summary[]
Teddy Price talks to Merv Griffin on The Merv Griffin Show in 1982. He states that all musicians are like orphans, searching for that deeper connection to their music. Merv likens Teddy to a father figure to the kids he worked with. Teddy laughs as he didn't plan on being anyone's father. He just wanted to make records.
The Dunne Brothers and Camila approach a mansion in LA, pressing the buzzer until Rod Reyes answers. Billy introduces himself and the band, reminding Rod that he said he could call. Rod looks them over. They didn't call, they're just here. Billy asks for ten minutes of his time. They sit outside by the pool and list the things they need. They need a place to stay, money since they rallied all their savings but don't have much left, and Teddy Price. Rod asks if they're fucking idiots. If they really think they can just show up in LA and be handed a key to the city and sit down with Teddy Price. Rod's a tour manager, not a band manager, so unless they're planning a world tour he's not their guy. Billy insists they aren't looking for a handout. Rod tries to recall their sound and their set was kind of tight. He'll make one call over to his guy at Filthy's, a bar on the Strip. Everyone is grateful and thanks him profusely. They start to leave when Graham asks for one more favor.
They head to a diner and use the payphone to call Karen, though Graham's bumbling goes on too long. Billy takes the phone and asks her to be in the band. She yells at her bandmates that a pan is burning in the kitchen. She apologizes for the minor kitchen emergency. He was just saying that the Dunne Brothers would like her to join their band. She questions if it's in Pittsburgh, but they're actually in LA now. They have a couple gigs lined up on the Strip and are renting a house. Graham whispers to Billy to tell her it's in Laurel Canyon, prompting Camila and Warren to swat Graham away. Billy asks Karen if she wants to be in the best band in the world. She wants to speak to that girlfriend of hers. Camila gets on the phone and Karen tells her to be honest, if they're worth it. Camila wouldn't be there if they weren't. Karen looks over to The Winters who are passed out on the couch.
Karen tells the interviewer that she's been in bands since she was fifteen, always looking for the one that would go the distance. The Winters weren't that. As her mother always told her, “don't put down roots in bad Earth”.
Simone comes home to her apartment to find the door ajar and the noises of someone inside. She equips herself with a vase and sneaks into the kitchen, where Daisy is making food. She scares both of them and Simone scolds her for breaking into her house. Daisy didn't break in, she used the key in the pot. She also brought wine, which is the least she can do. Simone asks what she's cooking that's so important she just had to break in. Daisy knows it smells great like she might want to smell it every night, in her apartment, cooked by her. She left home because she can't stay with them anymore. Simone needs a roommate to help pay rent. Daisy will get a job, but just not as a cook because the food is pretty bad.
Camila tells the interviewer that it takes two to make a home, and sometimes things are just that simple. So that first house wasn't perfect but they made it work. Didn't matter to them that it smelled like wet clothes or that an old woman died in it the week before. They got it cheap, they got it fast, and they got to live in Laurel Canyon.
Billy strums his guitar as Camila films him on her camcorder. He asks to see the recorder to have a look, pointing it at her. She giggles and covers herself with a blanket. He remarks that she can record him all she wants but he can't shoot just one second. She allows one second and lowers the blanket, smiling. He loves her and she crawls up to him, noses the camera, and then they kiss.
Karen enters the house to a messy kitchen with Warren, Eddie, and Graham sword fighting in the living room with pokers and dressed as makeshift pirates. She walks into her room and takes it all in. Camila greets her with a smile. None of the boys would touch the room so they gave it to her. Karen asks if it's haunted and it is - by horrendous, horrendous taste.
Karen reflects on the first impressions not being great. But they did have a gig on the Strip, so that was something.
The Dunne Brothers and Camila arrive at Filthy McNasty's for their first gig. As everyone walks in, Billy pauses at the door to take in Whisky a Go Go next door, which reflects in his sunglasses. The band does a huddle with Billy reminding them that the smaller the gig, the bigger they play. They put their hands in a circle and yell “Pittsburgh” on three. They take the stage as Camila records them performing “Look Me In The Eye.
Billy tells the interviewer that for those first eight or nine months of playing at McNasty's, sure, hardly anyone saw them play. But it was when they really fell in love as a band. The only problem is that they didn't get paid at all. Even when people started coming to their gigs they still weren't the people they needed.
Camila calls a record producer to invite him down to McNasty's, but his receptionist blows her off and then hangs up. She continues to stuff envelopes with pictures and portfolios. The band performs "Flip The Switch" one night while Camila watches from the front row, mouthing along to the lyrics. Billy looks over at the unreserved booth for Teddy Price and takes a drink of his beer.
Teddy argues with his boss Don Midelton over his newest hit not working. He reminds Teddy this is the sixth or seventh in a row, with Teddy correcting it's only six. They did work they just didn't sell, but they have to sell or they won't keep the lights on. Dean Martin wants to record another Christmas album, which Teddy scoffs over. Don argues that Dean loves Teddy and he should take some easy shots for a change and enjoy his life. He should think about it, as he doesn't have to decide right now.
Camila counts out the money as the group sits at a booth in a diner. Eddie asks what happened to the parrot guy she talked to, but the parrot guy passed on them. He calls that bleak, and she suggests he keep half of that toast for the next day because what they have barely covers rent. Warren snuffs out his cigarette, wondering if old Chucky was right. Maybe this was all a big mistake and they should have just stayed at home with their moms, saved money on rent, and become a dentist. Camila has sent hundreds of photographs out but not a single paper has responded. She wonders if she should just quit, but no one ever said it would be easy. Billy pours liquor into his coffee mug and drinks it. While they're talking about stuff, Warren asks why he's the only one without a bed in the house. Billy reminds him that he could have taken Karen's room, but he couldn't because it's haunted. Camila and Graham mumble that it's not haunted. Eddie holds up the “pocket toast” that he's eating. Karen asks why they're still called the Dunne Brothers. Three of the members aren't Dunne's and she's no one's brother. Billy asks if she wants to change the name, and Eddie personally thinks that's a great idea. Billy glares at him and then refuses to change the name since that's what people know them. Eddie argues it's not doing them much good. Warren and Graham exchange terrible band name ideas like "Immaculate Reception" and "Hercules". Eddie offers up "Deliverance", "Espionage", and "Poison". All of which are met with overwhelming disapproval. Billy, with finality, believes the six of them will never agree on a name so they should just stop it. Karen perks up and asks about "The Six". Eddie disagrees as there are only five of them, but Karen nods to Camila as the sixth member. Eddie thinks people will get confused. Warren knows they can't be The Five because of bands like The Dave Clark Five, and the Jackson 5, everybody's the five. Graham kind of likes The Six, which Warren jabs is better than Hercules. Daisy walks past their booth and her manager Dave yells after her that she still has ten more minutes. She apologizes and tosses her apron on her way out. Billy turns to look at the noise and Camila wraps her arm around his, pulling his attention back to the table.
Simone performs at the Troubadour during Hoot Night. Teddy Price is in the audience and stops to listen. She thanked the crowd, announcing that was track two of her record. She has a few copies for sale by the bar. Now, she'd like to introduce a friend of hers who will take them for a spin around the universe. She introduces Daisy Jones to the stage. Daisy walks on with her guitar, introduces herself, and then starts playing her song. Simone joins in her backup vocals and Teddy leans forward in his seat as he listens.
After the show is over, Simone talks to Teddy by the bar when Daisy walks up. Simone greets her, introduces them, and thinks the pair should talk. He hands her a business card for Ellemarre Records, asking if she's interested in working on some music together. She's not sure and wonders what she needs him for. He's taken off-guard and clarifies that he likes what he heard and with a little bit of his help, he could take her to the next step. She needs some shaping because she's new, a nobody, and it's all the way there. She doesn't think she wants to be shaped but it was nice to meet him. She puts the card on the counter and walks away. He smirks and takes a drink.
Merv Griffin is shocked to hear that Daisy walked away, and the audience chuckles as Teddy nods. But sometimes the back of somebody is the best way to see who they are.
One night while getting groceries at the local corner store, Graham, who is waiting in the car for Billy, sees Teddy Price enter the store. Moments later, Billy walks out. Graham tells Billy that Teddy just walked in and Billy tosses the groceries in the car and then runs into the store after him. He watches Teddy buy a bottle of liquor and follows him out front. It's then that he stops Teddy and admits he's a big fan. He doesn't give up when Teddy tries to walk away, mentioning after some poor attempts to further compliment him that he has a band. He convinces a very skeptical and slightly uncomfortable Teddy to hear his band "The Six" play one song for him. Before giving over his card, Teddy reminds that he only gets one chance at this. He asks if he's ready and Billy, without missing a beat, says "absolutely". They get into their respective cars. Billy tells Graham the news and they give a restrained celebration in the car.
Once home, Billy tries to figure out the perfect song to play for their audition. Camila suggests "Daybreak" but it's a Bowie rip-off and he doesn't think "Blind Alley" is good enough. He downs his drink and gets up to get more. She tells him no and holds out her hands, asking him to come here. He sits back down and she asks if there's anything he doesn't think is horrible. There's one he's been knocking around but it's not like the others. It's also not ready, but she cuts him off. He strums the guitar to sing “Silver Nail”. She knows it's the one when he's done singing it.
Once at the audition, Eddie isn't pleased to be playing a ballad for Teddy and Graham is still shaky on the chorus. Billy squashes their worries about only getting to play one song because this will be the one. Teddy comes in and sits on the couch, checking his watch. Billy thanks him for the opportunity on behalf of the band, The Six, naming the song Silver Nail.
Teddy wonders what he can say to Merv about it. They knocked his fucking socks off. He then laughs over if he can say fucking and Merv shakes his head no while laughing.
The Six leave Sound City while celebrating and hugging tightly.
Graham smiles to the interviewer that finally, they were on their way. Billy mentions that people thought they played one song for Teddy Price and he gave them a deal, but that's not true. For months he put them through the wringer. But it was worth it.
The Six perform at Whisky A Go Go and file outside, sweaty. Teddy tells Billy they sounded good in there. Billy shakes his head as if they were good but not great. His voice during Flip The Switch and Eddie's chasing Warren on time every damn song. Teddy chuckles at him - he booked them into a studio for next week and if the label agrees, it's high time the kids cut an album. Billy, elated, tries to hug Teddy who pushes him off as he's wet. He turns to share the news with his band who are overjoyed. They hug one another and then an off-put Teddy, who tries to fend off the sweaty musicians.
Daisy waits tables and sees Teddy sitting in her section, waiting for her. Simone said he might find her there. He wants to work with her. She's heard that from a lot of producers and it wasn't always music they were interested in. He tells her to ask around, but that's not him. Maybe he wasn't clear at the Troubadour. Her songs aren't songs. She asks if he wants to order something but he ignores her. She has some great beginnings to them, sure, but he's always in the same place at the end as he is at the start. She thinks maybe he doesn't know how to listen to them right, and maybe she doesn't want her song to fit in a box with a bow on it. He smirks that maybe she's right and puts money on the table for her time. He selects a song on the jukebox, “Son of a Preacher Man”, and tells her this is a song.
Daisy smiles that if Teddy saw something in someone, he just wouldn't let it go. It was the first time she ever wanted to live up to someone else's expectations of her.
One night, she's having sex when the guy asks if she wants to try a different position. She does and picks up her journal, writing her music in it while ignoring her date.
The Six start their recording sessions with Look Me In The Eye. Camila snaps photos of them performing as Teddy listens from the other side of the glass. She records some of the moments, focusing on each member. Billy sings while Warren is drumming, Eddie and Graham on guitars, and Karen on the keyboards.
Billy looks back on everything having gone so slowly, and then suddenly it was happening so fast. They recorded their album in six days, had two weeks off, and then it was time to hit the road for their first tour.
Billy talks to Camila at their home while packing for the tour, hoping to have enough money to buy their own place when they get back. Maybe further up the hill, or on the beach. Camila tells Billy that she's pregnant and he stops to look at her. She's been wanting to tell him but there was never really a great time for this stuff. Between the rehearsals and the album, she tearfully says he's going on a tour now. He starts to talk but she cuts him off. She doesn't even know what he wants. They never once talked about this. She asks what the hell they're going to do and he smiles at her that he knows what they're going to do.
Camila tells the interviewer they got married that night. She holds up a picture of them from their wedding, with their heads cut off. This is the only photo of them from their wedding. Warren, from his houseboat, nods at the assumed mention of the photo and simply remarks that mescaline is a powerful drug.
Warren insists on taking a photo of the happy couple since she's always behind the lens. He snaps the photo. She talks to Eddie about it being a nice wedding. She thinks it's a nice wedding but hasn't been to many. He's really happy for her and she thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. She's quickly pulled away by a friend and he watches her go. Billy talks to his mom on the phone and turns back to Graham, who laughs over him not telling her that she's going to be a grandma. He's going to be a dad, the son of a bitch. He ruffles Billy's hair and then runs off, leaving Billy perplexed. He goes to the bar and pours a glass.
The interviewer asks each member of the group what they remember about the tour. Each band member's face falls slightly as they avert their eyes from the camera. Billy says it was a long time ago, letting his voice trails off. An emotional Camila remembers everything.
Camila, a few months pregnant, rushes to the phone to answer when Billy calls from Phoenix. Everyone's still asleep around him. The more they talk, the less he remembers calling the night before. She reassures him that he did call her and he apologizes for not knowing what's going on. She smiles that “we just miss you” and he questions her usage of “we”. She smiles that she means her and the baby. He goes quiet on the other end. After their record came out, she tries to call them but can't get a hold of anyone. This trend continues until Karen answers, admitting she doesn't know where Billy is but has to go, dodging her question of if everything is okay.
She decides to visit them at their motel, now heavily pregnant. She knocks on their hotel door but they don't answer. She walks into the parking lot, tearful when she sees Graham and Eddie walking back. They glance at the tour bus and she notices. Graham tries to stop her from opening the door but she pushes him off her. She pulls open the door and gasps at the sight of Billy making out with a girl while another is between his legs. After a moment, she turns back to the boys and questions if they've been covering for him this whole time. She shoves Eddie twice, telling him “fuck you” as she storms away. Billy stumbles out of the bus with his pants barely buttoned. He asks what the guys did, then stumbles after Cami.
Eddie shakes his head as it broke his heart what Billy did to her. Some people just don't know how lucky they are.
Billy showers while Camila sits on the bed crying. He gets out and stands in the doorway for a moment. He takes a baggie out of his jacket and snorts the contents. Camila looks at him in disgust and jacks him against the wall, demanding to know what the fuck he thinks he's doing and what is wrong with him. She slaps him across the face while keeping one hand on his jacket. If he thinks she's going to let him ruin her life, their life, letting her voice trail off. She doesn't care what he does until this baby comes, but when it does he is going to show up for her. He looks away but she jerks him back to look at her. He's going to show up for her, this child, and he's going to keep showing up for the rest of his goddamn life. He nods slightly in understanding and she swats his face, telling him to clean himself up. She leaves the room shortly after while he leans against the wall.
Daisy works on her songs from her seat in the living room. She smiles after writing down another line,
Billy walks out of the motel room as Graham is strumming the guitar. He takes a drink from a bottle of liquor.
Now, Billy reflects that he thought he could handle it. Get it out of his system. Graham shakes his head, as his brother was always great at lying to himself.
One night, The Six are performing while Billy, drunk and barely able to stand up straight, slurs the words to Look Me In The Eye. Graham and Karen exchange a worried look and Billy hits a series of bad notes followed by a scream that makes Eddie wince. Teddy watches them perform backstage. The song ends so Billy thanks San Diego and compliments the crowd. Graham tries to coax him off the stage but he pulls away abruptly. He staggers off the stage as the crowd boos them for leaving early. Billy staggers off stage and sees Teddy. He accuses Graham of calling him, but Graham swears he didn't. Billy hugs Teddy and asks what he's doing there.
Simone counts down and then starts the recorder so Daisy can sing her new song Nobody Needs.
He was just coming to check on him, but plans have changed. Camila's had the baby, a little girl, which stuns him to his core. It's time for him to go meet his daughter.
Billy looks at the camera emotionally.
Teddy loads Billy into his car and tells Eddie, Karren, Warren, and Graham that they'll see them in Seattle. He drives off as the rest of the band watches, morose, then heads back inside. Billy tells Teddy to pull over and he does. He hangs out the door and vomits as Teddy grips the wheel. They arrive later that night at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, where Teddy tells him the girls are waiting for him, but he can't do it. Teddy tells him he's got to but Belly is firm that he can't. He can't have her meet him like this. Teddy reminds him there won't be a second chance at this, but Billy looks away crying. Teddy yells at him to get the fuck out of his car. Billy does but leans on the door while sobbing.
In 1982, while on the Merv Griffin Show, Teddy muses that he hadn't planned on being anyone's father. He just wanted to make records. He pauses for a moment. He supposes some things are just out of your control.
Billy apologizes to Teddy as he can't do it, stammering his words through emotions. Teddy tells him it's alright and that he can come back inside, coaxing him all the while. He sits down in the car as he just can't do it, apologizing again. Teddy nods and starts the car, as there's someplace else they've got to go then.
Daisy sets her cassette by Teddy's front door, in a box with wrapping paper and a bow on it.
Camila lies in the hospital bed alone and holding her newborn daughter. After a moment, she begins to cry.
Billy knows it's the same old tired rock and roll tale. Drinking, drugs, loneliness. The interviewer agrees, but that's usually the end of the story. But for him, that's just the beginning. Billy looks up at the camera.
Cast and characters[]
- Riley Keough as Daisy Jones
- Sam Claflin as Billy Dunne
- Camila Morrone as Camila Alvarez
- Will Harrison as Graham Dunne
- Suki Waterhouse as Karen Sirko
- Josh Whitehouse as Eddie Roundtree
- Sebastian Chacon as Warren Rojas
- Nabiyah Be as Simone Jackson
- Tom Wright as Teddy Price
- Timothy Olyphant as Rod Reyes
Guest Starring[]
- Ross Patridge as Don Midleton
- Seychelle Gabriel as Interviewer
- Lynn Downey as Marlene
- Tony Handley as Charles Bukowski
- Bud Galloway as Filthy McNasty
- Warren Sweeney as Merv Griffin
- Kellen Moriarty as Heckler
- Myles Cranford as Dave
- Kane Richotte as The Winters #1
- Malcolm McRae as The Winters #2
Song title | Originally performed by | Released | Show appearances | Notes |
Look Me In The Eye | n/a, original song | TBA | The Dunne Brothers | Released |
Flip The Switch | n/a, original song | TBA | The Dunne Brothers | Released |
A Song For You | TBA | TBA | Simone Jackson | Released |
Two Against Three | n/a, original song | 2023 | Daisy Jones & The Six | Released |
Silver Nail | TBA | TBA | The Six | Released |
Let Me Down Easy | n/a, original song | 2023 | Daisy Jones & The Six | Released |
Nobody Needs | TBA | TBA | Daisy Jones | Released |
- The Six release their debut album SevenEightNine.
- The circumstances around Camila giving birth are changed from the book.
- In the book, Camila is in labor when Teddy brings Billy to the hospital. When he can't go inside, Teddy goes up to see Camila. She tells Teddy to give Billy an ultimatum; he can either come up and see his daughter, or he can go to rehab.
- In the show, it's Teddy's idea to take Billy to rehab and he seemingly never has the conversation with Camila about Billy.
- Warren Sweeney portrays real-life talk show host and media mogul Merv Griffin in flashbacks to 1982. The talk show "The Merv Griffin Show" was a real show that ran from 1965-1986. Merv died in 2007 at the age of 82 after complications from prostate cancer.
- Filthy McNasty's was once a real dive bar located at 8852 Sunset Strip Blvd. The street address for the TV series location is similar, with an added "1" at the end (88521). The real bar was sold in the 1980s and rebranded.
- The exterior for the series was recreated using the same font, color scheme, and placement as the real bar. However, the exterior for the show is made of slate while the real bar had a wooden paneling outside.
- The store directly next to the bar was also recreated, but renamed slightly from its real name "turner's liquor deli" to "terner's liquor deli".
- The guy Daisy is having sex with when she's inspired to write is played by Riley Keough's real-life husband Ben Smith-Petersen.
Promotional stills[]
Episodes of Daisy Jones & The Six |