Daisy Jones & The Six Wiki
Daisy Jones & The Six Wiki
This article is about the TV character. You may be looking for the book character.

Warren Rojas is a character in the Daisy Jones & The Six television series. He is a drummer with The Six and later with Daisy Jones & The Six.


Character overview[]

"The fun-loving, unpretentious backbone of the Six who, unlike his band mates, manages to keep perspective and enjoy the ride, never losing sight of his small-town roots."[1]

Plot summary[]

Warren Rojas takes a seat on his houseboat to take part in a documentary about his former band Daisy Jones & The Six. Warren chuckles as he remembers it being Graham's idea to start a band. He reminisces that they did 10 proms, and 20 graduation parties, and he doesn't even know how many sweet sixteens. Graham calls the band a distraction, an escape, that none of them thought anything more of it - not even Billy. But everything changed one night.

In Pittsburgh, 1968, Graham runs in gym class with his three best friends Warren, Eddie, and Chuck. He brings up starting a band with them. Warren thinks Graham's just trying to get his girlfriend back, but Graham insists that's not it. He just wants to do something he loves with his brother and three best friends. The other boys stop running at the mention of Billy Dunne. Graham just smiles and runs off. Billy watches the band rehearse and stops them after a few moments. He corrects each of them, though Graham suggests he shows them how it's done. Billy adjusts the microphone and takes his spot at the front of the band.

By 1970, the Dunne Brothers band takes the stage at a small outdoor party. They start performing Susie Q, a song they take with them across their performances, which includes a wedding one night. Mid-song, Billy sees an older man dancing with a younger woman and freezes. Graham follows his eye line to the couple who stumble off. Billy leaves the stage and Graham chases after him. Billy, upset, remarks the man is supposed to be in Georgia. Graham bets he never even left. The rest of the band joins them, with Eddie asking what's wrong with them. Warren is happy over the performance and brushes off Graham's remark about the guy in there. He calls him a creepster with the combover and a girl half his age. He's Billy and Graham's father.

Billy wants to say something, but Graham doesn't think it's a good idea. Billy plows past and walks inside, standing inches from the man, asking if he knows who he is. The man wonders if he should. If he should, then of course he does. He'd recognize that guitar anywhere. Graham pulls Billy away but Billy grabs the guitar and jams it at the man, telling him to take it. He shouts for him to fucking take it. The man has no use for it. He gave it to Billy as something to remember him by. Billy smashes the bottom of it on the ground. He calls him an asshole and leaves. Graham looks at the man and then punches him across the face. Eddie and Warren pull Graham away. Once in the parking lot, Eddie asks if Billy is okay. He doesn't respond for a moment then calls them into a huddle. They're all his brothers and he loves them. They work hard, stick together, and they're gonna be the biggest fucking band in the world one day. They all trust him and are family, pulling into a group hug.

Warren remarks that for the next year, it felt like all they did was practice. If his hands were red and raw by the time he went to bed, he knew it was a good day. They had a lot of good days back then.

Graham, Billy, Eddie, and Warren pull up to Chuck's house where they practiced every day. The garage doors are down and Chuck sits on the steps. He tells the band that he got into college, but the guys didn't know he applied. Warren asks if this was before or after he spent all his money on the van. Chuck knows, but they have a great dental program. He guesses he's going to be a dentist now. Billy asks him not to do this when things are starting to happen. They're opening for The Winters on Thursday and that's just the beginning. This is a real opportunity for Chuck. He knows this is Billy's dream, but just because he wants something to happen doesn't mean it will. Billy really does think there's a future with the band. Chuck thinks he's out of his fucking mind and goes inside. Eddie wants to cancel the gig, but Billy refuses, even though they don't have their bassist. After a moment, Billy tells Eddie to switch over to bass. He refuses at first then asks for how long. Billy thanks him and pats his chest on the way into the van. Eddie throws his cigarette on the ground.

The band and Billy's new girlfriend Camila arrive at their gig opening for The Winters. Camila clings to Eddie's arm happily then hugs Billy, remarking that it's unbelievable. Graham stares at The Winters keyboardist, Karen and Warren laughs at him to keep dreaming. The bands pass at the steps and the Dunne Brothers compliment The Winters. The Dunne brothers take the stage and Karen sits down next to a man with a reserved seat - Rod Reyes.

After the gig, Rod sits with the band outside and suggests they write their own songs. Billy has written some but they aren't good enough yet. He wrote one called “Never More” about the Catonsville Nine. Rod vehemently tells him no, groaning about him being Bob Dylan. Enough with the political shit. No one needs reminding that the world is a mess. They want to feel good again, and feel hope and suggest he write a love song. He tells Graham to cool it with the solos. Nobody cares about his technical guitar skills. They want to sing and dance. He tells them to get out of Pittsburgh if they want to sign with a label and work with producers such as Teddy Price, which piques Billy's interest. Rod knows everyone and they're all in LA now. Not London or New York, but California. The group talks outside the gig and is all in. Warren better gas up the van and laughs if she'll make it. Camila walks over to ask what they're talking about.

Camila decides to come with the band and they leave one stormy day, smoking and singing all the way down to LA.[2] After arriving in LA, the group heads to Rod Reyes's mansion in the hills. Billy introduces himself and the band, reminding Rod that he said he could call. Rod looks them over. They didn't call, they're just here. Billy asks for ten minutes of his time. They sit outside by the pool and list the things they need. They need a place to stay, money since they rallied all their savings but don't have much left, and Teddy Price. Rod asks if they're fucking idiots. If they really think they can just show up in LA and be handed a key to the city and sit down with Teddy Price. Rod's a tour manager, not a band manager, so unless they're planning a world tour he's not their guy. Billy insists they aren't looking for a handout. Rod tries to recall their sound and their set was kind of tight. He'll make one call over to his guy at Filthy's, a bar on the Strip. Everyone is grateful and thanks him profusely. They start to leave when Graham asks for one more favor.

They head to a diner and use the payphone to call Karen, though Graham's bumbling goes on too long. Billy takes the phone and asks her to be in the band. She yells at her bandmates that a pan is burning in the kitchen. She apologizes for the minor kitchen emergency. He was just saying that the Dunne Brothers would like her to join their band. She questions if it's in Pittsburgh, but they're actually in LA now. They have a couple gigs lined up on the Strip and are renting a house. Graham whispers to Billy to tell her it's in Laurel Canyon, prompting Camila and Warren to swat Graham away. Billy asks Karen if she wants to be in the best band in the world. She wants to speak to that girlfriend of hers. Camila gets on the phone and Karen tells her to be honest, if they're worth it. Camila wouldn't be there if they weren't.

Camila tells the interviewer that it takes two to make a home, and sometimes things are just that simple. So that first house wasn't perfect but they made it work. Didn't matter to them that it smelled like wet clothes or that an old woman died in it the week before. They got it cheap, they got it fast, and they got to live in Laurel Canyon.

Karen enters the house to a messy kitchen with Warren, Eddie, and Graham sword fighting in the living room with pokers and dressed as makeshift pirates. She walks into her room and takes it all in. Camila greets her with a smile. None of the boys would touch the room so they gave it to her. Karen asks if it's haunted and it is - by horrendous, horrendous taste.

One night, The Dunne Brothers and Camila arrive at Filthy McNasty's for their first gig. The band does a huddle with Billy reminding them that the smaller the gig, the bigger they play. They put their hands in a circle and yell “Pittsburgh” on three. They take the stage as Camila records them performing Look Me In The Eye. The band performs "Flip The Switch" one night while Camila watches from the front row, mouthing along to the lyrics. Billy looks over at the unreserved booth for Teddy Price and takes a drink of his beer.

After the show, Camila counts out the money as the group sits at a booth in a diner. Eddie asks what happened to the parrot guy she talked to, but the parrot guy passed on them. He calls that bleak, and she suggests he keep half of that toast for the next day because what they have barely covers rent. Warren snuffs out his cigarette, wondering if old Chucky was right. Maybe this was all a big mistake and they should have just stayed at home with their moms, saved money on rent, and become a dentist. Camila has sent hundreds of photographs out but not a single paper has responded. She wonders if she should just quit, but no one ever said it would be easy. Billy pours liquor into his coffee mug and drinks it. While they're talking about stuff, Warren asks why he's the only one without a bed in the house. Billy reminds him that he could have taken Karen's room, but he couldn't because it's haunted. Camila and Graham mumble that it's not haunted. Eddie holds up the “pocket toast” that he's eating. Karen asks why they're still called the Dunne Brothers. Three of the members aren't Dunne's and she's no one's brother. Billy asks if she wants to change the name, and Eddie personally thinks that's a great idea. Billy glares at him and then refuses to change the name since that's what people know them. Eddie argues it's not doing them much good. Warren and Graham exchange terrible band name ideas like "Immaculate Reception" and "Hercules". Eddie offers up "Deliverance", "Espionage", and "Poison". All of which are met with overwhelming disapproval. Billy, with finality, believes the six of them will never agree on a name so they should just stop it. Karen perks up and asks about "The Six". Eddie disagrees as there are only five of them, but Karen nods to Camila as the sixth member. Eddie thinks people will get confused. Warren knows they can't be The Five because of bands like The Dave Clark Five, and the Jackson 5, everybody's the five. Graham kind of likes The Six, which Warren jabs is better than Hercules. Daisy walks past their booth and her manager Dave yells after her that she still has ten more minutes. She apologizes and tosses her apron on her way out. Billy turns to look at the noise and Camila wraps her arm around his, pulling his attention back to the table.

While out shopping, Billy and Graham have a chance encounter with Teddy Price. Billy convinces him to hear one song of theirs. While at the audition, Eddie isn't pleased to be playing a ballad for Teddy and Graham is still shaky on the chorus. Billy squashes their worries about only getting to play one song because this will be the one. Teddy comes in and sits on the couch, checking his watch. Billy thanks him for the opportunity on behalf of the band, The Six, naming the song Silver Nail.

Teddy is blown away but still puts them through the wringer for months. The Six perform at Whisky A Go Go and file outside, sweaty. Teddy tells Billy they sounded good in there. Billy shakes his head as if they were good but not great. His voice during Flip The Switch and Eddie's chasing Warren on time every damn song. Teddy chuckles at him - he booked them into a studio for next week and if the label agrees, it's high time the kids cut an album. Billy, elated, tries to hug Teddy who pushes him off as he's wet. He turns to share the news with his band who are overjoyed. They hug one another and then an off-put Teddy, who tries to fend off the sweaty musicians.

The Six start their recording sessions with Look Me In The Eye. Camila snaps photos of them performing as Teddy listens from the other side of the glass. She records some of the moments, focusing on each member. Billy sings while Warren is drumming, Eddie and Graham on guitars, and Karen on the keyboards.

Billy looks back on everything having gone so slowly, and then suddenly it was happening so fast. They recorded their album in six days, had two weeks off, and then it was time to hit the road for their first tour.

Before the tour, Camila tells Billy she's pregnant and they decide to get married. Camila tells the interviewer they got married that night. Warren insists on taking a photo of the happy couple since she's always behind the lens. He snaps the photo.

Camila holds up a picture of them from their wedding, with their heads cut off. This is the only photo of them from their wedding. Warren, from his houseboat, nods at the assumed mention of the photo and simply remarks that mescaline is a powerful drug. The interviewer asks each member of the group what they remember about the tour. Each band member's face falls slightly as they avert their eyes from the camera. Billy says it was a long time ago, letting his voice trails off. An emotional Camila remembers everything.

Billy began missing calls from Camila and stopped calling her, so she decides to surprise them at a motel. She catches Billy cheating on her and gives him until the baby is born to do whatever he wants, but when the baby comes, he'll have to show up for both of them.

One night, The Six are performing while Billy, drunk and barely able to stand up straight, slurring the words to Look Me In The Eye. Graham and Karen exchange a worried look and Billy hits a series of bad notes followed by a scream that makes Eddie wince. Teddy watches them perform backstage. The song ends so Billy thanks San Diego and compliments the crowd. Graham tries to coax him off the stage but he pulls away abruptly. He staggers off the stage as the crowd boos them for leaving early. Billy staggers off stage and sees Teddy. He accuses Graham of calling him, but Graham swears he didn't. Billy hugs Teddy and asks what he's doing there. He was just coming to check on him, but plans have changed. Camila's had the baby, a little girl, which stuns him to his core. It's time for him to go meet his daughter. Teddy loads Billy into his car and tells Eddie, Karren, Warren, and Graham that they'll see them in Seattle. He drives off as the rest of the band watches, morose, then head back inside.[3]



  • Warren's first pair of drumsticks were given to him by his grandfather.


Warren Rojas appears in the following episodes:

Daisy Jones & The Six 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Episode appearances



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